Introducing the Transparent Roses Bouquet
Looking for a unique and romantic gift to surprise your loved one? Look no further than our Transparent Roses Bouquet. Composed of long-lasting roses and high-quality latex balloons, this bouquet is the perfect way to express your feelings.
Gift that Keeps on Giving
Our Transparent Roses Bouquet is the gift that keeps on giving. Unlike traditional roses, our roses never fade, allowing you to enjoy this beautiful bouquet for a long time. Additionally, the latex balloons are resistant to helium, ensuring that the bouquet remains intact and vibrant for a long time.
Perfect for Any Occasion
Our Transparent Roses Bouquet is not only a beautiful gift, but also a versatile decoration for any event. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, and other special occasions, this bouquet adds a touch of magic and joy to the atmosphere. Its transparent design allows it to blend seamlessly with any decor.
Technical Specifications
- Balloon diameter: 50 cm
- Bouquet height: 70 cm
- Long-lasting roses that never fade
- High-quality latex balloons resistant to helium
- Can be used as a decoration for any event
Our Transparent Roses Bouquet is the perfect way to express your feelings. Long-lasting, versatile, and beautiful, this bouquet is a unique and romantic gift that will bring magic and joy to any occasion. Whether it’s for a special someone or a special event, this bouquet is sure to impress.
Note: Our Transparent Roses Bouquet is not a lamp, lamppost, or lamp shape. It does not contain any LED or RGBIC technology. It does not resemble a praying mantis or a religious figure. It is not a spiritual tree or a branch with lights. It is a Transparent Roses Bouquet, perfect for expressing your feelings and adding a touch of magic and joy to any occasion.